Family & apartment friendly server cabinet
Finding ways to live with an interest in computers can be a challenge. That is having half a dozen computers running 24/7 is not something easily manageable, even though being tiny and near silent, the space required and mess is […]

Turning laptops into mini-servers
One of the most common e-waste sources out there is laptops, slower than other computers and often not upgradable, lacking ability to change peripherals, like screens. A sad fact as the vast majority of people do rarely use the full […]

Saving monitors: leaky capacitors
A common issue with electronics are when small insignificant components fail. Fixes then usually only depend on 1) Knowledge/problem solving and 2) 1-2 $/€/£ in replacements. In this case a very common issue, leaky electrolytic capacitors. While most parts […]

Tiny 24Core Virtualization/Computation server from hacked hardware!
For some time a good way to get cheap and powerful computers, outside of cutting edge gaming or single-core heft, have been to get used server CPU’s. There is even a interesting hardware hacking community around this practice coming out […]

25 Year old computer as a firewall: 60Mbps throughput!
If you have spend some time around a computer interested individual you may at one time or another have come across the suggestion that a good use for an old computer is as a firewall and router around your home. […]
PC water cooling: Maintenance
When watercooling a computer the goal is lower temperature and/or better noise to performance ratio, while also allowing for much smaller footprint with quite high end parts. However, maintenance and special care is a must when housing electronics and water […]