Here you’ll find a collection of things that I do, make, say and think. A collection of projects I publshare on other sites online. Including; custom built and designed guitar or Hi-Fi amplifiers and effects, custom PC servers, and rescued, upcycled hardware. Simply a central place to collect what I’m doing with some of my a creative rest at any given time.
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- DIY (19)
- DIY Audio (10)
- DIY Computation (6)
- DIY Misc (4)
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PC water cooling: Maintenance
When watercooling a computer the goal is lower temperature and/or better noise to performance ratio, while also allowing for much smaller footprint with quite high […]
Guitar rebuild: 1. onboard preamps & hardware
From 70’s hard rock, to a credible metal guitar this one started its life 1982 in Japan, built in the great Matsumoku shop. Known for […]
RangeMaster – Pedal Progression 1
In this series I revisit and re-build some of my favorite guitar pedals. Here a treble booster is given some of the best vintage parts […]
Splitter pedal: Two guitar amps at once
Splitting the output of your guitar/pedalboard to two separate Guitar Amps is one of the most powerful way in shaping your tone and ‘broaden’ the […]
Turning laptops into mini-servers
One of the most common e-waste sources out there is laptops, slower than other computers and often not upgradable, lacking ability to change peripherals, like […]
Cat tree
Say you want a cat tree on your balcony, buying one covered in fluff, like most are, is clearly a bad idea. Tossing something together from leftover wood and winding some sisal-rope however, a nice gift to your furry friend.
Attaching the end of the somewhat fragile sisal-rope to the beams, I wrapped the ends in leather which were glued to the rope and after that drilled into the wood. Another big time-saver is using 90 degree, flat irons to support each layer. Last part would be to try and get the leftover sheets somewhat water resistant. The ones I had access to where actually the worse type when it comes to this, however with some yearly repetition of cellulose clear coat to seal, primarily on the ends, the tree is still standing.
The tree did also do well inside before the move to the balcony. Although with some very ugly carpet..